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Computer Science

This section have all the academic work that were developed during my study in computer science.

I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2005) and have a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2008).

Nowadays I work with software consulting and software programming that involves interactive software, training software, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), games, webservices and development in general.

If you want to contact me you can use the form at about page.

Lattes Curriculum

Thesis and Dissertation

Efficiency and accuracy in calculating radiosity illumination with GPUs. UFMG 2008.
Language: pt-br
Master Dissertation



Boids That See: Using Self-occlusion for Simulating Large Groups on GPUs. ACM CIE 2009.
Language: en
Bibtex | Paper

Improving Boids Algorithm in GPU using Estimated Self Occlusion. SBGAMES 2008.
Language: en
Bibtex | Paper |  Video

Creating Photorealistic and Nonphotorealistic Effects for Games. SBGAMES 2007.
Language: pt-br, en
Bibtex |  Full Text()
 Slides() |  Slides()

A hybrid implementation of raytracing on programmable graphics processors or general purpose processors. SIBGRAPI 2005.
Language: pt-br, en
Bibtex |  Paper() |  Slides()
Poster() |  Poster()

Rendering of three-dimensional non-photorealistic scenes exploring programmable hardware. SIBGRAPI 2005.
Language:  pt-br
Bibtex | Paper | Slides | Poster

KSH: Cache memory simulator with dynamic module loading and configuration script execution. WSCAD 2003.
Language:  pt-br
Bibtex | Paper



Development of shaders. PUC 2007.
Language: pt-br

Development of shaders with CGFX. UFMG 2007.
Language: pt-br

Creating a Full Cross-Platform Game. UFMG 2007.
Language: pt-br

HDR in Games. UFMG 2006.
Language: pt-br

Development of three-dimensional applications with OpenGL. PUC 2004.
Language: pt-br
Slides 1 | Slides 2