The music I make have sense when they are used to praise and glorify God.
In this section you will find information about each musical composition of this album.
This album was recorded in Brazilian Portuguese.
The songs on this album are recorded using only voices and guitar(folk). The lyrics, rhythms and melodies are simple.
Each composition has its origin linked to my experiences serving God in different situations.
I invited several people close to me, including family, prayer group friends and church friends to help me record the melodies.
They are: Dani Cami, Francisco Silva, Gabi Rafaella, Karla Ribeiro, Raí Carvalho, Ronaldo Oliveira and Wanessa Caroline.
With a tight budget, the recording of guitars and vocals were all done 'in house'.
Hope you like the songs.
You can download all the chords or lyrics from the links below:
All Song Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
All Song Lyrics - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
Track 1: Announce With The Spirit (Anunciar Com o Espírito)
From the reflection on the presence of the Holy Spirit, it made me think about the announce of Jesus.
"On the other hand the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control; no law can touch such things as these."
Galatians, 5:22-23.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 2: The Waves of The Heart (As Ondas do Coração)
This song was composed on the way back from a pilgrimage to the Basilica Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Piedade in Minas Gerais.
That day, I and the young people from the EJC were visiting this sanctuary of Our Lady.
As soon as I got home I was imagining the world as a big ocean, the wind passing and Jesus holding our hearts.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 3: I Will Exalt Your Name (Eu Exaltarei o Teu Nome)
One day I woke up singing the chorus of this song.
I added the verse about the fraternal gaze of Jesus.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 4: Touch of Love (Toque de Amor)
Remembering the passage of the woman who touched Jesus, the question came to me:
But did the woman touch Jesus, or did Jesus touch the woman?
"'If I can just touch his clothes, I shall be saved.'"
Mark, 5:28.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 5: A Heart That Loves God (Um Coração Que Ama A Deus)
A heart that loves God has a different view of situations.
And that is the force that changes the world.
Faith ends up being the Christian's fuel and is a virtue distributed by God.
God pour out faith in all hearts.
"Because it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith; not by anything of your own, but by a gift from God;"
Ephesians, 2:8.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 6: Question from My Heart (Pergunta de Meu Coração)
This composition is very old.
When I started noticing the beauty of God I thought:
Why are there so many strange things in the world that do violence to our minds, values and feelings?
I then made this prayer asking for the intercession of Our Lady, the angels and the saints of God.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 7: Joseph (José)
Joseph was a very important figure in the life of Jesus.
In addition to all the skills necessary to support the holy family, it made it possible to insert Jesus into the descendants of the house of David.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 8: Meeting (Encontro)
We are pilgrims.
If we are pilgrims, then we have a goal.
Finding God, reconciling us with Him and discovering His infinite Love.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 9: Come Achieve Victory (Vem Alcançar a Vitória)
One day I woke up singing the chorus of this song.
I added some guitar solos to complete the composition.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
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Track 10: The Victory in Jesus (A Vitória em Jesus)
God reserves victory for hearts that seek Him.
Chords - Brazilian Portuguese (.pdf)
Listen to the Album
The Author (Me)

This is me. As you may already know, I like music. In these compositions I ventured into the folk world of voice and guitar. You can send me a message through the about page.
Mix & Master

Thanks to Drey Henrique for the quality of the musics production.
Places Where You Can Listen to the EP
This album was recorded in Brazilian Portuguese.
The album is available in several platforms, I share some links here: