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OpenMultimedia v2.0


This is a project of streaming images over the network that transmitts a stream over the socket connection.

The original archtecture was designed to use UDP/Multicast feature. The main drawback is that this approach was not easy to maintain.

New Archtecture

The new archtecture is simpler.

It uses the UDP for the network discovering and TCP to transmit the stream.

There are two apps:

  • The desktop app, that reads a stream from a device in the network and decodes the stream
  • The mobile app, that capture, encode and trasmit the stream

The android app checks the available hardware encoding support, and use it though the MediaRecorder API.

It is compatible with the android camera API v1 and android camera API v2.


The binaries are compatible with windows, linux and macos (intel).

The current build:

You can check the tech video below:

Best regards,

Alessandro Ribeiro

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