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Im graduated in computer science and I like music.

My main instruments are: the computer, the guitar, the keyboard and the bass.

The events in my life made me pay attention to God.

A Little Bit of History

My first musical album have 10 musics. They are related to two different moments.

The first 5 musics have the sensation of isolation inside the digital world and the lasts 5 musics the feeling of spirituality, contemplation and reflection.

Almost all of my public and free (free and open-source) software projects comes from after the second moment. They are built in proximity with the local Catholic Church (near my home, and near my aunt home).

These projects are aimed to those Church and Parish that do not have money to buy this kind of third party software.

Biblical Phrase

You can see that both software and music album has a phrase from the Bible.

This is the phrase:

For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him may not perish
but may have eternal life.

John 3:16

I once heard that this verse is the Bible summary.

The thought I had in putting this phrase in my projects was precisely because of its depth.

Knowledge Areas

Computer Science:

  • Interactive Software
  • Network Software
  •  Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
  • Computer Graphics
  • Games
  • Web-Service


  • Composition
  • Arranjements
  • Melody

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