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After a long period documenting the base framework, I finally released the first code documentation page.

You can check it here.

...continue reading "First Effort to Document the OpenGLStarter Source"

Who never used CMake and thought: "there could be a command that would do such a thing ....".

When you create a shared library project with a dependency, and I would like all other projects to use this header definition, but you can't do that without copying and pasting that definition across all projects one by one ...

You may want to add an include directory that is global (used by all other projects at the same time).

Something simple, like copying all third-party DLLs (which were not generated by the projects) is done as soon as you compile a new project.

...continue reading "CMake Custom Commands"

This post shows the basics to create Intel/AMD SSE2 and ARM NEON code in C/C++ using GCC/CLang and Visual Studio.

For several years I built projects in C and C++ using the Visual Studio release mode or -O3 in gcc.

The compiler make a lot of optimizations, but we might not been using the data parallel instruction set on current CPUs.

Intel and AMD has implemented a CPU instruction set called SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions).

And ARM, (from the armv7) has an instruction set similar to SSE2 called NEON. I discovered that because I've bought a Raspberry Pi Model B+ very recently.

...continue reading "SIMD discovering: SSE2 and NEON"