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For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son, so that everyone
who believes in him may not perish
but may have eternal life.

John 3:16

This project was born in 2017 with the name CameraStreamer.

It was my personal attempt to create a real-time video streaming to be applicable in the Catholic parish or the Catholic Church.

The current version is more flexible than the 1.x versions (2017).

With the pandemic, I had more time to upgrade the original project's codebase.

What does it do?

This is a framework written in C++ to allow the transmission of image streams over the network.

There is an android app that streams the camera image.

It is possible to use the image stream as virtual cameras within real-time video editing software like OBS.

Main Features

  • Fully rethought operating architecture;
  • Now the android application uses the MediaRecorder API;
  • Image compression modes are selected according to what is supported and enabled within the smartphone HW/API;
  • New viewers are compatible with DirectShow, V4L2 Loopback and Syphon;
  • The device discovery algorithm uses IPv4 broadcast from the device to the active lan/wlan interfaces.

Source Code

All code are available though the github:

Apps And Binaries

Image Transmission Software

Android: GooglePlay
Operating System Software

YouTube Video